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What is trigger discipline?

Admin Changed status to publish July 25, 2022

Trigger discipline is the practice of keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. This ensures that you don’t accidentally fire your gun when you don’t intend to.

Why is trigger discipline important?

Trigger discipline is important for two main reasons: safety and accuracy.

  • Safety is the most important reason to practice trigger discipline. Keeping your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot helps to prevent accidental discharge of your gun. This is especially important when handling a gun that’s not pointed at a target, such as when you’re holstering or unholstering your gun, or when you’re moving around with your gun.
  • Accuracy is also improved by practicing trigger discipline. When you keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot, you’re less likely to jerk the trigger when you finally do pull it. A jerky trigger pull can result in inaccurate shots.

So, to sum up, trigger discipline is important for safety and accuracy. Make sure to practice it whenever you’re handling a gun!

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